The Developmentally Friendly Baby Registry.
Lauren Jordan Lauren Jordan

The Developmentally Friendly Baby Registry.

I have been asked many many times about what items I used for my little one, what I recommend, and what is developmentally friendly for kiddos. So, here it is! I have compiled a list of things to include on a baby registry. These are the items that I found most helpful during the first six-ish months. Now listen- I preach "no buckets" for babies all day every day, but I’m also realistic. I’m a mom. I understand that there are times when you just need to put baby somewhere while you shower. So, here are the best recommendations!

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Baby-Led Movement: Tummy Time.
Lauren Jordan Lauren Jordan

Baby-Led Movement: Tummy Time.

Three month prone, or “tummy time”, is maybe one of the most underrated developmental positions out there. This is the first milestone in a long line-up of milestones, big and small, that will encompass the first thirteen months of your baby’s life. Exciting, scary, and everything in between.

Let’s take a step back and break this pattern down bit by bit.

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Baby-Led Movement: The ‘Less is More’ Approach.
Lauren Jordan Lauren Jordan

Baby-Led Movement: The ‘Less is More’ Approach.

Why in the same day do we trust a six month old baby to intuitively understand holding and bringing food into the mouth, then we don’t trust them to learn how to sit on their own? Why do we accept and understand that they will likely speak, but then place them in a Bumbo because they surely need help to learn how to sit?

Welcome to the baby-led movement view; the ‘less is more’ approach to child development and motor skills.

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Just Say “NO” to the Bumbo.
Lauren Jordan Lauren Jordan

Just Say “NO” to the Bumbo.

Ah, the Bumbo. Honestly, the bane of my existence. When I’m talking to patients about false positions, buckets, and what NOT to put your baby in, this is my number one example. Let’s break it down to why it’s just not a good idea for any baby!

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