Summer Must-Haves (0-16 months)

We are finally, officially in SUMMER! Ah, it feels like it took an eternity to get here. No more being trapped in the house with kiddos that are sick of their toys, sanitizing everything in sight at indoor play places, or trying to come up with yet another sensory bin that they will only play with for two minutes.

Yes, finally, we can go OUTSIDE! So, in honor of my hype, I decided to write this blog to help fellow mamas/parents/caregivers prepare for the hot weather!

I realize 0-16 months is quite an age range. However, a lot of the items can be used for that long!

As I mention in a few other blogs, I have a thirteen month old baby boy. These are the items that made my life easier last summer when he was just a tiny nugget and items this summer that we have already used and others that we can’t wait to use! Check out the links and descriptions below for more info.

These items are a part of my Amazon Affiliate Program, so please use these links! :)

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

  • We love these Dr. Brown’s weighted straw bottles! They are easy to hold, easy to clean (dishwasher safe), and easy to use for little kiddos!

  • Don’t forget to strap it! We use straps on the water bottle and connect it to the stroller, Target cart, etc. to make sure he doesn’t drop it onto the floor.


What is summertime without snacks?!

  • Pouches are a fan favorite in my household and these bad boys are a lifesaver. These keep tiny hands from squeezing the pouch and it makes them easier to hold! Say goodbye to pouch guts all over the place!


Stay COOL!

  • I wish I could put into words just how much I love this splash pad! It is so much fun. It isn’t huge which is also a bonus. You can control the height of the “fountains” by adjusting the water pressure of the hose! It also puddles up on the mat to be a tiny, baby-friendly pool! (Please supervise all kiddos while using this, obviously)

  • We also really love this pool! It isn’t too deep, too big, or too cumbersome. This would be good inside as a ball pit or outside as a shallow pool for littles!

  • Okay real talk- this stroller fan is a MUST. You can bend the arms around just about anything and the charge lasts way longer than I expected!

  • Cool towels. They’re exactly what they sound like! Somehow these bad boys stay cold. Keep one in the stroller, on the diaper bag, one in your purse - wherever!


Sun Protection!

  • We refer to this outdoor play area as the “baby dome" in our house! We LOVE this thing. Seriously, we use this about every day! We plop it on the back deck and throw some toys in there or put the water table in there to keep him contained! Can’t recommend this enough. It comes with a canopy that is breathable AND it has a floor attached to it to keep kiddos out of the grass. It’s big enough for an adult to be in there too! I also added the padded, waterproof pad that you can get for it! We have this too and love it!

  • Stoller sun shade - a non-negotiable for summer walks! This guy clips on to everything!

  • Sun hats - absolutely a must. Keep those tiny ears, heads, and faces safe!


Keep the seats cool!

  • Car seats in the direct sun get HOT. Here are two solid options to keep the seats (and buckles!) cool!


Other fun summer things!

  • Here are some other fun things to do outside to keep the kiddos busy!


Happy summer, friends! I hope you found these tips to be helpful. Stay cool!


The Developmentally Friendly Baby Registry.